Submit Music

Welcome to the Submit Music page of Ifiye Radio, the industry-leading digital music service. As a platform dedicated to promoting the best in music, we always look for talented artists and musicians to showcase on our station and submit their music.
If you are an aspiring artist or have a track that you believe deserves a broader audience, we invite you to submit your music for consideration on Ifiye Radio. Our music experts will review your submission, and if it meets our standards, it may be featured on our station for millions of listeners to hear.
To submit your music, simply fill out the form below with the required information, including your name, email address, and a link to your track. We accept all genres of music and encourage you to submit your best work. Please note that, due to the volume of submissions we receive, we may only be able to respond to some artists personally.
Thank you for considering Ifiye Radio for your music submission. We look forward to discovering and promoting new talent on our platform.