Asad Abukar, a Somali refugee, has found a new home in Medicine Hat, Alberta, after years of seeking asylum in various countries. He arrived in Canada in 2021 as a government-sponsored refugee through the UNHCR and settled in Medicine Hat, where he has been speaking to the CT Somali program, which focuses on supporting Somali people in Canada.

Asad, who has lived in several countries, such as Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Libya, and others, spoke about his experience when he first learned that he would be settling in Medicine Hat, Alberta. “When I first heard that I’m going to Canada, especially in Medicine Hat, I couldn’t understand because of the word ‘Medicine.’ I thought they meant that I needed a medical, but later they told me that it’s the name of the city I’m settling,” he said.

Medicine Hat, located in southeast Alberta, is a beautiful city along the South Saskatchewan River, approximately 169 km east of Lethbridge and 295 km southeast of Calgary. Although it has a small Somali community, it is close to Brooks, Alberta, where a larger Somali community lives and works.

Asad has expressed his love for Medicine Hat and his desire to stay there with his family. “This city is beautiful and quiet. I’m not going anywhere. I want to bring my family here,” he said.

Asad is focused on his new life in Canada and is eager to improve his English and find a good job to support his family. He expressed gratitude to the Canadian government and the people of Canada for welcoming him to this beautiful country.

CT Somali, a program based in Medicine Hat, has been instrumental in helping Asad and other Somali newcomers in Canada. The program offers support and resources in the Somali language, making it accessible to those who may have limited English language skills.

Asad’s story is a testament to the resilience and determination of refugees who come to Canada seeking a better life. As more refugees settle in communities across Canada, programs like CT Somali will continue to play a vital role in supporting their integration and success.