We are a full service

On ifiye radio

Unleash Your Advertising Potential with Ifiye Radio: Connect, Amplify, and Engage with Somali Music Enthusiasts Worldwide.

Why Ifiye Radio?

When it comes to radio, Ifiye Radio stands out as one of the most popular choices in Somalia and beyond. With a vast and dedicated listener base, we have captured the hearts of music enthusiasts worldwide.

Extensive Reach

By advertising on Ifiye Radio, you gain access to a broad and diverse audience base, both in Somalia and across the globe.

Targeted Advertising

Ifiye Radio caters to Somali music enthusiasts, providing a unique opportunity to target your advertising to a highly engaged and passionate audience.

Amplify Your Brand

Benefit from the reputation and popularity of Ifiye Radio, utilizing our trusted platform to enhance your brand image, increase brand recognition, and ultimately drive customer engagement and loyalty.

Unleash Creativity and Solve Complex Challenges

With our platform, we reach a vast audience ready to embrace innovative solutions. Promote your brand and engage with a community passionate about creativity and problem-solving. Join us and make a lasting impact through strategic advertising on Ifiye Radio.



Programs and Music


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Engage with our Native Apps

Experience the power of our native apps as people eagerly tune in to our captivating programs.

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One Million Downloads

One Million Podcast Downloads on Spreaker

Connect with Somali People Locally and Globally

For nearly a decade, Ifiye Radio has captivated Somali people across the globe. Whether through our dedicated mobile apps or renowned radio platforms like iHeartRadio, TuneIn, Simple Radio, and others, we have become a beloved choice for Somali music enthusiasts. Join the vast community of listeners who have made Ifiye Radio their go-to source for exceptional entertainment and cultural connection.

Somali People

Ready to Advertise on Ifiye Radio? 

We are eager to discuss how we can help promote your brand, products, or services to Somali music enthusiasts worldwide. Contact us today to kick-start your advertising journey on Ifiye Radio and maximize your reach.